Beaming Books

How to Train Your Pet Brain

How to Train Your Pet Brain

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Your brain is like a pet in need of training. By you.

How does it feel to smile, or to stick out your bottom lip? With heart and humor, How to Train Your Pet Brain invites kids to explore how their bodies and minds work together to process emotions. Told from the perspective of a child, this unexpectedly funny take on the tricky topic of mental health follows two characters learning to train their pet brains. Lighthearted illustrations paired with grounded language help kids understand why their brain does what it does, teaches that big feelings are okay, and guides kids through a simple practice to help them feel calm.

Download the free How to Train Your Pet Brain Educator’s Guide for kids to continue learning about how they can train their own pet brain!


"In this book, kids learn how to love and nourish their brains (feel all the feels!) and helpful tips for staying calm."

Scary Mommy

Product Info

  • Format Picture Book
  • ISBN 9781506480503
  • eBook ISBN 9781506481708
  • Age Preschool (3-5 years); Early Grades (5-8 years)
  • Dimensions 8.75 x 10.25
  • Pages 32
  • Publication Date February 22, 2022